Sunday, December 20, 2009

Making the Most of It by Indulging in Simple Things

The record-breaking snowstorm that hit the Washington, DC area this weekend provided opportunities for family time and enjoying the simple pleasures of just being.  We had no agenda or to-do list to work from.  It was a wonderful free-for-all, just like the snowstorm.

Friday night, after about two inches of snowfall, two of us took a walk with the dog and marveled at the beauty of the thin blanket already covering the neighborhood.  Walking through the park, we talked about how the falling snow glistening in the walkway lights looked like falling diamonds.  The dog enjoyed chasing what meagre snowballs we could scrape together.  We looked in windows to see who had the prettiest Christmas trees.

On Saturday, it snowed the whole day.  We built a fire and kept it burning.  I took photographs; the dog ran about chasing "it"; the birds enjoyed the suet cakes; and we baked cookies (chocolate candy cane cookies and snowballs).  Later we made hot chocolate and ate our baked creations.  We decided that the chocolate candy cane cookies were the best new cookie.   On Sunday night, only four remain from a double batch.  See below for recipe information.

Later Saturday, we made ham and cheese biscuits, took naps and looked at the snow falling. We talked about Christmas plans.  We read books and worked sudoku and crossword puzzles.  That evening we attended a neighborhood Christmas party.  It had been a perfect day and we had 16-17"of snow.

Today was sunny and glorious but due to the heavy snow, even church was closed.  We drank coffee, ate good leftovers and took a long walk with the dog to survey the neighborhood.  We each ate at least one cookie before lunch!

The almost 12 year old dog ran loose in the park and became a puppy again, chasing snowballs and that elusive "it" again.  Back home, he collapsed for hours.  The human family members shoveled snow, shook snow off of stressed tree limbs, surveyed the property for damage and cleaned our cars, which were nearly buried in the snow.  Neighbors were doing the same and we compared stories.  While shoveling, the boys especially enjoyed beers iced in the snowbanks.

By late afternoon, the eldest was on the road back to his home in Maryland and his brother was working at the local independent toy store which was busy with neighborhood shoppers.  The dog continued napping.

I went back to my work, still smiling about the perfect weekend.  I love my time with my sons and this weekend was an especially nice one because it was unstructured and list-free.  It gave me plenty of time to douse myself with their radiance and observe their likable, lovable, individual personalities.  What a blessing.  Let it SNOW!!!


Chocolate Candy Cane Cookies:  For the recipe:  

Snowball Cookies:  Mystic Seaport's Christmas Memories Cookbook 

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